You want more passion in your marriage.


Being grounded and centred enables you to live life in a way that flows with everything. Being uncentered causes you to struggle and fight against life, it’s a struggle. Being ungrounded makes you experience your emotions in a stronger and more negative way when you could be experiencing a much calmer way. Grounding is crucial for more passion in your marriage.


Find out how you ground yourself to become more centred and calmer.


Once grounded here are 7 ideas to bring back the passion in your marriage:

Change your pattern of initiating sex. …

Allow tension to build. …

Separate sexual intimacy from routine. …

Carve out time to spend with your partner. …

Hold hands more often. …

Focus on affectionate touch. …

Practice being more emotionally vulnerable during sex.


Interested in reading about this topic more in-depth? Read more here.


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