If you’re struggling with sex and intimacy and you have a fear of disconnect, resentment, confusion and perhaps looming separation this podcast is for you.


Over the last 15 years in business, I’ve discovered over and over that communication is the number one downfall in relationships.


Identifying what is happening for you as individuals and as a couple is crucial to begin improving the communication in your relationship.



In this article, you’ll identify 5 principles to begin improving intimacy and sex


🌟 Identify your underlying barriers to sex and intimacy

🌟 How to Discover the love you once had

🌟 Essential elements to Nourish your sex life

🌟 Engage in touch intentionally

🌟 Learn how to turn yourself on



Identify your underlying barriers to sex and intimacy 


Talk openly and honestly with your partner about your desires, needs, and expectations. Discuss what you both enjoy in the bedroom and what you’d like to explore. Effective communication can create a deeper connection and understanding between partners.



How to discover the love you once had


Set aside dedicated time for each other without distractions. Plan dates or activities that allow you to reconnect and enjoy each other’s company. This quality time can foster intimacy and create a positive atmosphere for sexual experiences.



Essential elements to nourish your sex life


Building emotional intimacy is essential for a satisfying sexual relationship. Take the time to connect emotionally by expressing love and appreciation, listening attentively to your partner, and being supportive of their needs and emotions.



Engage in touch intentionally


Engage in touch intentionally in a non-sexual physical way and affection outside of the bedroom is important. Simple gestures like holding hands, cuddling, or giving massages can help create a stronger bond and increase desire.



Learn how to turn yourself on


Take care of your physical and mental well-being. When you feel good about yourself, you’re more likely to have a positive attitude toward intimacy and enjoy the experience.


If you’re facing challenges in your sexual or intimate life, consider seeking guidance from a professional such as myself.


Remember, every relationship is unique, and what works for one couple may not work for another. It’s important to approach these suggestions with an open mind and adapt them to fit your specific circumstances and relationship dynamics.



I support people to CHANGE, to design their best lives and relationships.


Providing Counselling, Coaching and online programs – https://powerofchange.com.au


Check out IGNITE an online program for couples to ignite their spark in their relationship. Download the Power of Change directly from your App Store or one of the links below


Apple App Store


Google Play



Listen to the podcast –  Podcast 121 – Do you want more sex and intimacy in your marriage?



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