Power of Change | Counselling and Coaching Services


As anyone who has ever been married knows, marriage can be an amazing thing, but it also takes work, and not just any work, but intentional work. If you don’t cultivate your relationship, then it will wither on the vine and die like so many others have before yours. You both need to be on board and if one partner is not interested in improving the relationship then reviving it will be difficult.
I hear this a lot in my Counselling room: “I’m not sure when it happened, but at some point during our marriage things started to feel…off. I was too busy with work, my wife seemed to never have enough time for me, and every time we spoke about fixing our relationship, we both agreed that it would be better—but neither of us did anything about it.”
Are you fighting a lot and wondering why your relationship seems to be falling apart? There’s a good chance your communication skills need work. Asking open-ended questions, listening without getting defensive and truly hearing what your partner is saying are all ways to re-establish healthy lines of communication. Seeking out couples counselling can also help you get back on track; there are many relationships that could have been saved with professional guidance. Ultimately, it takes both partners working together to revive any relationship—no one person has enough control over whether it survives. When it comes to saving your marriage, you both need to do everything in your power—and then some—to make sure that happens.
Whether you’re married, dating, or in a committed relationship—your partner is your life partner, and you need to find a way to keep that flame alive. Nowadays relationships don’t last forever, but there are some things you can do to make sure yours does. Finding common interests will help both of you grow as individuals and work together as a couple.
There’s a good chance that one or both of you would like to try to save your marriage. So, what do you do now? Asking yourself and each other specific questions about where things went wrong—and working hard to find ways to prevent them from going wrong again—is important. It’s also not easy, but it can be done. You’ll have to focus on what’s working in your relationship; if both parties approach things with an open mind, it may help you see past issues that seem insurmountable right now. Because once you get started down that road, it may be easier than either of you imagine.
First, it’s important to note that not being in love with your partner doesn’t necessarily mean you have to file for divorce or break up. Most romantic relationships have periods when you feel disconnectedwith your partner. The key is to be sure you are staying in touch with your partner and trying to communicate those feelings. A relationship is like a garden—you have to keep tending it and working on it, and it will grow healthier and stronger over time.
Understanding that sexual attraction ebbs and flows over time is a big part of keeping your relationship healthy. If you’re not thrilled with how things are going in your bedroom, try to talk about it with your partner. I know, easier said than done—especially if you feel like things just aren’t working out there! But remember: It’s likely not as bad as you think. Sexual desire and attraction tend to ebb and flow over time; they peak at different times in different relationships and often require shifts in how we approach one another to be rekindled.