My Husband’s Brain Injury and Self-Healing


On July 9, 2018 …. Jenny’s life changed. Her husband of 33 years contracted encephalitis that nearly caused his demise. After 3 months in hospital, endless invasive tests and rehab he was discharged with a permanent brain injury and epilepsy.


In Jenny’s words, “I was told I would be Pete’s CARER and I grieved about losing a mate and gaining a dependent …. BUT I also knew, very clearly, that if the shoe was on the other foot Pete would never have hesitated about looking after me.” We had a powerful sense of loyalty and commitment to each other and truly had each other’s backs.


He was transformed from a vital, strong, determined, competitive, hardworking, independent man to a vulnerable, easily fatigued, fearful, pill dependent, non-working, non-driving, dependent man who struggled to be understood and to understand others.


Life Changed


Jenny talks about the life changes and how disorientating, confronting, frightening, frustrating and upsetting for them both this was. The NEW NORMAL everyone kept telling them about.


It’s now been 3.5 + years. With time, effort, reflection, reorganisation, learning, determination, curiosity, open hearts and open minds ….and a whole lot of LOVE & COMPASSION they have settled into a positive new relationship with some aspects better than pre-illness.




Jenny’s use of mindfulness, positive self-talk, gratitude, and shifting her focus and energy when she’s in a downward spiral all help her stay above the line.


In this chat with Jenny, you will quickly get a sense of how important your mindset is when sometimes you are dealt a card but it’s how you play it. Jenny’s wisdom, love and compassion shine through and an episode of Empowered Marriage is not to be missed.


Tune in to my Empowered Marriage Podcast to learn more. This fortnight’s podcast is available now and discusses this topic in more depth.


Podcast 95 – My Husband’s Brain Injury and Self-Healing


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