1. Criticism, which is when you attack your partner with something that you’re saying is globally wrong with him or her. For example: “You always ignore me in the afternoons.” “You never care about me.” Over time criticism wears down a relationship and erodes the self-esteem of both partners. It doesn’t make for a happy relationship and is not supportive for a healthy partnership.


There are times when feedback is necessary, but it should not be conveyed in a critical way. For example: “I felt ignored and upset when you didn’t answer me this afternoon.” Feedback is best conveyed using language such as “I think…” or “I feel…”


  1. Defensiveness, which involves warning off a perceived attack. It is about self-justifying, defending or protecting. It may manifest in different ways including:


Blaming the other person


Running from the problem


Diverting attention away from an issue




Have you noticed that the situation is aggravated even more when a disagreement occurs and you start explaining yourself?


The answer is to listen from a place of curiosity and to understand that this is what the other person thinks and feels; it’s your partner’s perception. The most supportive behaviour is ownership on your part and not running away. It is also useful to remember that if you are hungry, angry, lonely or tired, it is best to deal with something at a later time when you can come back together in a calmer manner. It can be helpful to use the word HALT, standing for hungry, angry, lonely or tired to indicate that you need to continue a discussion at another time.


  1. Contempt, which is a very unhealthy behaviour to have in a relationship and is crippling to self-esteem. It involves putting yourself on a higher plane than your partner, thinking that your beliefs are right and his or hers are wrong, regarding yourself as better and constantly belittling your partner.


In the long-term, this causes extreme damage to self-esteem, causes distancing within a relationship and makes it difficult for a couple to connect on an equal basis. What is crucial is that you do not put yourself above anyone else. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs as we are all individuals.


  1. Stonewalling behaviour involves one partner refusing to talk to the other, giving the silent treatment for hours or days or looking down so as not to connect. It’s a bit like a five-year old holding her breath. Behaving in an adult, grown-up way and deciding to not adopt stonewalling behaviour is a choice and one that will benefit your relationship.


These four behaviours can be worked on. The process involves becoming aware of and changing them. Remember that when a relationship goes off the rails or you are colliding with your partner, it takes one of you to do something differently. If you find yourself using some of the destructive behaviours it is important to heal wounds from the past, especially if you had a critical or defensive parent as you may have learnt this behaviour from them.


Sometimes not getting what you want is a brilliant stroke of luck.



Good Communication Is Vital in a Relationship


Communication is about sharing feelings and understanding each other. Good communication requires assertiveness and active listening.


Assertiveness is the ability to express your feelings and ask for what you want in the relationship. It is not helpful for good communication to think that your partner should be able to read your mind or, if they know you well enough, that he or she should just know what you want, like feel and think. When you’re assertive you take responsibility for yourself and your messages using ‘I’ statements and are honestly expressing how you feel.


For example: “I want to go to England on holiday next year, but I know you want to go caravanning so I’m confused about what choice we should make.”


Active listening is the key to good communication. It involves repeating in your own words what you heard your partner say and how it made him or her feel. This validates the speaker and lets them know that you are listening and are interested enough in what they are saying. The speaker can let the partner know if the understanding is correct. There is no guessing, no assumptions and no breakdown in communication.


For example: “Have I got this right? You are confused about which trip we should go on next year? England or caravanning?”


Focus on the Strengths in Your Relationship


When your self-esteem is low it is very easy to look at what isn’t good in your relationship. Have you heard the expression that ‘whatever you focus on grows’?


A great place to start is to go back to the beginning of your relationship:


  1. Think about what first attracted you to each other. This helps you to be reminded that your partner has some great qualities that led you to want to be in this relationship.
  2. Think about the strengths of the relationship. What are the good things about your partnership?
  3. Think about when you have been the closest. One of the easiest ways to get your relationship back on track is to do the things that you were doing when you were closest or to do something similar.


What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.