Maintaining a happy marriage after having kids

    Maintaining a happy marriage after having kids can be challenging, but it’s possible with some effort and knowledge as to what’s needed.   This is what I hear on a regular basis:   Women are feeling unseen, on eggshells and unsupported.   They’re exhausted, touched out (by kids) and not wanting sex?   […]

Does Marriage therapy really work?

    Are you wondering if marriage therapy is worth your time, money and effort?   Have you thought that perhaps your relationship is too far gone so it won’t work?   If you are the slightest bit interested and willing and you know regret is a terrible thing, then this podcast is for you. […]

Unlock the 3 Surprises to Rapid Personal Power

Are you tired of feeling resentful and settling for less in your life or relationships?        Ready to break free from these patterns and speak up for what you truly deserve?       It’s time to let go of obstacles holding you back and unlock the secrets to rapid personal power:   […]

How To Navigate Marriage With A Man Child

Do you feel like a nagging parent with your partner?   Exhausted from carrying the household load alone? It’s time to stop sweeping these issues under the rug!   Don’t let resentment and anger build over dirty dishes.    Effective communication is the key to assertiveness, empowerment, and clarity in your marriage.   Growth and […]

Do you want more sex and intimacy in your marriage?

    If you’re struggling with sex and intimacy and you have a fear of disconnect, resentment, confusion and perhaps looming separation this podcast is for you.   Over the last 15 years in business, I’ve discovered over and over that communication is the number one downfall in relationships.   Identifying what is happening for […]

Do you ever wonder – How do I talk to my partner?

    If you’re struggling with trusting your partner, you have a fear of conflict, differences in communication styles or something else this article is for you.   Over the last 15 years in business, I’ve discovered over and over that communication is the number one downfall in relationships.   Identifying what is happening for […]

From Stress to Love

    Do you feel stressed a lot of the time?   Find it difficult to feel a connection with your partner?   We can only open ourselves up to connect with our partner when we feel calm and peaceful in our bodies and with ourselves.   I get it, every relationship goes through its […]

The Pursuer and Distancer Dance in Marriage

    Are you always running to your partner for help?   Are you constantly texting, and messaging even if they are at work?   Are you needing affection and attention from your partner?   If a text or call doesn’t come in, you worry and think something is wrong.     If you answered […]

Running on Autopilot in your Marriage

      Some couples have been running on autopilot in their marriages for years.   It comes as such a shock for people when one of the partners put the brakes on the autopilot and wants to leave the marriage or begins to change and grow.   A marriage on autopilot loses the skills […]

Heal Relationship Triggers

      Do you find yourself easily triggered by your partner’s actions or tone?   Perhaps he or she really did something offensive, or maybe that’s just how you perceived it.   Sometimes, you don’t even understand why you’re upset and it’s not getting easier, it’s getting harder.   Once you have moved through […]