The 6 Pillars of Change for an Empowered Life is proven over and over to create the relationships and empowered life you have always dreamed of.




Pillar One: Care for Yourself

Pillar Two: Healthy Boundaries

Pillar Three: Assertiveness

Pillar Four: Nurturing Forgiveness

Pillar Five: Growing Self-Acceptance


My unique system is integral to the success of your journey.  Finding your voice, and reclaiming your power with a set of tools for you to create your ideal life and the life your wildest thoughts dream of.


Pillar Six: How to Have Empowerment in Your Marriage


Mastering your inner empowerment to recognise your brilliance takes the power to change. You have within you an innermost power source.


This Pillar is focused on:



Using this Pillar in your relationships, you will be able to:



With the goal of transforming your relationship with yourself and others. The 6 Pillars of Empowerment work together to create harmony within yourself. With this, you feel worthy and good enough to apply all 6 Pillars to your relationships and have the connection and love you have always craved and deserved.


Throughout the 6 Pillars, we will work with your false beliefs, patterns and programming that contribute to the cycles that keep you stuck in unhealthy, unfulfilling relationships.  To no longer look outside of yourself for your value and to be self-empowered is taking responsibility for your own feelings and behaviour and loving the body your in and all the parts of you.


We will work together to transform your survival behaviours with thriving habits that will allow you to create a happy, loving relationship and life or know if it is time to let go of this relationship and venture onto a new one, coming from a healthy and full place. Either way, whatever choice you make, you will be living an Empowered Life and using the skills, strategies and tools you now have from the 6 Pillars of Empowerment every day!


Tune in to my Empowered Marriage Podcast to learn more. This fortnight’s podcast is available now and discusses this topic in more depth –  Podcast 107 – How to Have Empowerment in your Marriage – Pillar 6


Check out the full series of articles about the 6 Pillars of Change and discover how they can help you.


Pillar 1 – How to Care for Yourself in your Marriage – Pillar 1

Pillar 2 – How to have Healthy Boundaries in your Marriage – Pillar 2

Pillar 3 – How to have Assertiveness in your Marriage – Pillar 3

Pillar 4 – How to have a Nurturing Forgiveness in your Marriage – Pillar 4

Pillar 5 – How to have Self-acceptance in your Marriage – Pillar 5


Interested in more articles, tips, and advice? Click here for Facebook and here for Instagram.


For more info about “How to have Empowerment in your Marriage” check out this article from my blog – What’s an Empowered Marriage?